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Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 7:40 AM
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Hays County Pet Resource Center to benefit from multi-year grant

Hays County Pet Resource Center to benefit from multi-year grant
Dr. Alexis Bardinski, medical director at Austin Pets Alive! performs a procedure.The grant the organization received can help families afford medical treatment for their pets. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Austin Pets Alive! has been awarded a major multi-year grant from PetSmart Charities to support the development of the Hays County Pet Resource Center (Hays PRC) - a virtual center that connects pet owners with local services and resources to keep families together and out of the animal shelter system.

Hays PRC is a partnership between Hays County and Austin Pets Alive! Through its programs, pet owners can receive case management support for help with their pets. This could include temporary animal housing, low-cost medical care for pets, financial assistance programs, behavioral support programs, training and education.

The Hays County Commissioner’s Court championed the creation of a pet resource center, shifting away from traditional animal services to focus on community-based programs. The Hays PRC services are based on the Human Animal Support Services (HASS) model.

“HASS-based programs focus first on solving problems that jeopardize the bonds people have with their pets, by offering resources and partnering with human welfare organizations to address the reality that when people face crises so will the pets whom the majority are considered to be family members,” said Lee Ann Shenefiel, Hays County Pet Resource Center Director and Austin Pets Alive! Executive Advisor.

The purpose of the grant is to catalyze the success of the Pet Resource Center, and share lessons learned about the process of implementing a new model for animal services with the greater animal welfare industry.

“PetSmart Charities is proud to support this first-of-its kind pet resource center for Hays County with Austin Pets Alive!, because helping pet owners keep their animals safe and their families whole is part of what builds a thriving community,” said Kate Atema, Director of Community Grants at PetSmart Charities. “We are excited to be part of the future of community support systems that include pets as part of the family.”

The funding from PetSmart Charities allows additional expertise and mentorship from HASS to Hays County to guide the Pet Resource Center’s development. HASS staff specialize in education and training for implementing new programs, data, research and community engagement.

For more information, visit hayscountytx. com/ pet-resource and follow Hays County Pet Resource Center on social media.


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