North Hays County Emergency Services District No. 1, which covers Emergency Medical Service for Dripping Springs, Driftwood and Henly, has served notice to terminate its longstanding contract with San Marcos Hays County EMS with the intent of starting its own EMS department.
The NHCESD No.1 Board of Commissioners unanimously voted to terminate the contract with 180 days notice. A press release from the ESD said population growth has been significant enough that it now has the ability to operate its own independent EMS service instead of contracting with a San Marcos Hays County EMS. The district covers nearly 250 square miles.
“Unlike contracted services, which may serve a wide range of areas without a specific commitment to the district and its residents, the new organizational model will be fully dedicated to the local community and ensures that all of the citizen's tax dollars remain in the district,” the press release said. “This transition will allow NHCESD 1 to provide a higher standard of care, with the flexibility to tailor services to the unique demands of its residents.”
The ESD said that they will continue to work with the Medical Director that has served North Hays County for almost 10 years to ensure there are no gaps in coverage.
“This will involve implementing the latest best practices, introducing advanced training for the ambulance teams, and staying current with industry trends and medical innovations to ensure faster, more effective, and community-focused responses.”
Additional district information can be found at www.northhayscountyesd1. org/faq.